BESTbelt - More power for the European Green Belt

The BESTbelt pilot project is a vital part of the European Green Belt Initiative, which aims to protect the European Green Belt - Europe's longest green network. Spanning 12,500 kilometres across the continent, the European Green Belt connects natural and cultural habitats and a total of 24 countries. BESTbelt was launched in 2021 with the aim of improving biodiversity conservation by unlocking the local potential in the 24 countries along the European Green Belt. The project empowers civil society organisations through small grants, supporting their efforts to protect biodiversity, restore nature, raise environmental awareness, strengthen communities and promote green job opportunities. BESTbelt also provides for training and guidance on project management for its grantees and addresses the young generation of European conservationists by promoting information exchange and networking.
To unlock the local potential across the 24 countries along the European Green Belt, the European Commission is providing 3,5 million Euro until the end of 2026. Based on the positive experience of the EU BEST Initiative, the European Parliament – on initiative of the MEPs Jutta Paulus and Nicolae Ștefănuță – established the idea of promoting a new project in the framework of the European Green Belt with long-term, sustainable perspectives for local actors.
In its role as Chair of the European Green Belt Association, the official contractual partner of the project is EuroNatur, working closely together with the BUND Department Green Belt and the BUND Mecklenburg-West Pomerania as project team. Due to current circumstances, the first and second call for projects will suspend Russian applicants.The Board of the European Green Belt Association functions as steering committee of the project.
BESTbelt Call for Proposals
One of the main elements of BESTbelt is the installation of a small grant scheme. 2,2 million Euro will be available for three calls for proposals. Applicants are invited to apply for funding in the fields of biodiversity conservation, restoration and sustainable development. In addition to the financial support, applicants receive training and counselling on how to elaborate a meaningful project proposal and how to effectively implement the planned measures. Due to the current circumstances, call for proposals are suspended for Russian applicants. Find out more details on the calls for proposals.
BESTbelt Network
Besides the Calls for Proposals, BESTbelt offers the chance to discuss ecological and social challenges along the European Green Belt. Especially the potential of green jobs along the European Green Belt and opportunities for young job seekers will be explored and discussed through a comprehensive report and local fora. Additionally, it is planned to foster the engagement of the younger generation in conservation and restoration practice through the implementation of European Green Belt Youth Camps.
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