
The 1st BESTbelt Call for Proposals was launched in 2022. Since the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023, the BESTbelt project has started to fund 11 projects along the European Green Belt in the Baltics, Central Europe and the Balkans. These projects involve different local organisations promoting a wide range of activities important to the vision of the European Green Belt.

Following its success, the 2nd BESTbelt Call for Proposals was launched in 2023. From the end of 2023 and the beginning of 2024, BESTbelt is funding 17 additional projects along the European Green Belt in the four European Green Belt regions. These projects will address environmental education, nature conservation, community empowerment, public awareness raising and green infrastrucure development. The 2nd Call is funding six transboundary projects that focus on cooperation across national borders to protect nature.


You can find a short presentation of each of the BESTbelt-funded projects below!