Silent Eastern Mires - Positive publicity for North Karelia's threatened eastern mires in Finland
The project is implemented by the Finnish Association for Nature Conservation from January 2024 to March 2025.

The state-owned company Neova has recently opened a carbon factory in the municipality of Ilomantsi (Eastern Finland). More than 3,500 hectares of (semi-) natural mires are at risk of being destroyed for peat production (although renewable materials could be used instead). Local and regional citizens are hardly aware of the plans for peat production in these mires, and their participation in the decision-making processes is low.
The aim of the project is to bring positive visibility to the threatened mires of the Eastern North Karelia region through cultural events and communication. It also aims to increase the capacity of the local people to participate in the local and regional decision-making processes, both now and in the future.
Several activities are planned to show the importance of the threatened mires to the local public:
- A photo exhibition about threatened mires will be created together with interested local people.
- A small festival will be organized in one of the mires, with performances, music and local food.
- The capacities of the local inhabitants to participate in decision-making processes will be strengthened through stakeholder meetings and trainings.
- Communication through different media will be strengthened.

Expected Results
The endangered North Karelian mires and their high cultural and ecological value will be made known through positive visibility and local engagement. A mire festival, three photo exhibitions and about ten stakeholder meetings will be carried out. Information about the threatened mires will have been made public in local and regional newspapers and on social media.
Silent Eastern Mires - Positive publicity for North Karelia's threatened eastern mires
The project is implemented in the North Karelia Region, Finland.
Nearest city: Joensuu
Project lead: Finnish Association for Nature Conservation (FANC)
Itälahdenkatu 22 b A, 00210 Helsinki
Grant: 40,000.00 €
Duration: 15 months
Contact person for the BESTbelt project: Tuuli Hakulinen tuuli.hakulinen(at)
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