Sustainable grazing for the preservation of vital grassland ecosystems

The project is implemented by the Institute for Nature Conservation in Albania (INCA) in collaboration with Agro-Eko Dibra from October 2024 to May 2026.

Pasture Landscape in Korab-Koritnik Nature Park, Kalaja e Dodes Administrative Unit, Albania. © Maksim Hajrullaj


Beneath the serene beauty of Korab Koritnik Nature Park, silent threats loom over its pristine ecosystems. The ancient tradition of shepherding, a keystone for biodiversity, faces extinction as migration and land abandonment rise. We must act decisively to protect these natural wonders, safeguard critical habitats, engaging local shepherds to revive their ancestral practices and implement sustainable measures. 



Our goal is to conserve alpine grasslands in the Korab-Koritnik Nature Park by supporting sustainable grazing practices. We will assess threatened habitats, address grazing abandonment by improving shepherds' conditions and diversifying their income, and tackle human-wildlife conflicts. This enhances knowledge about grasslands, boosts shepherds' income, and fosters community engagement.



To achieve our project objectives, we will: 

  • assess and analyze threatened grassland habitats and the drivers of grazing abandonment.
  • engage local shepherds, promote sustainable grazing practices,
  • provide training and foster stakeholder cooperation.
  • collaborate with institutions and NGOs to enhance conservation efforts.
Pasture Landscape in Korab-Koritnik Nature Park, Kalaja e Dodes Administrative Unit, Albania. © Maksim Hajrullaj

Expected Results

Our aim is to increase the area of grassland under management from currently 0% to 30% (6,725 ha) and to reduce the area of abandoned land from currently 10% (2,250 ha) of the total area by 5% (1,150 ha) each year. We will train at least 6 shepherds in sustainable grazing methods and income diversification strategies, build the capacity of 50 farming households and involve 10 shepherds in local conservation events.

Sustainable grazing for the preservation of vital grassland ecosystems

The project is implemented in the Korab-Koritnik Nature Park (Albanian: Parku Natyror Korab-Koritnik) located in north-eastern Albania, along the European Green Belt.  


Nearest city: Peshkopia


Project lead: Institute for Nature Conservation in Albania (INCA)
Rruga Islam Alla, Pallati IVEA, Kati I, Tirane

Grant: 39.921,70 €

Duration: 20 months

Contact person for the BESTbelt project: Emirjeta Adhami emiadhami(at) 


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