Borders separate – Nature unites: European Green Belt Youth Encounters
The transboundary project is implemented by the Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland, Landesverband Thüringen e.V. in collaboration with the Őrség National Park and the Šalovci county administration from October 2024 to September 2026.

The European Green Belt preserves nature and history across borders, but its ecosystems and heritage need stronger local support. This project promotes youth exchange and environmental education, training young leaders to run camps and connect with communities. Through hands-on work camps in Germany, Hungary and Slovenia, local and international participants and stakeholders come together to strengthen conservation efforts and appreciation of the European Green Belt.
The project aims to connect young people with the European Green Belt and its vision and to raise awareness of its natural and historical importance. Through camps, youth leader training, and social media promotion, the project will engage local communities, conserve habitats, and share knowledge on biodiversity and sustainability shared. This cross-border cooperation strengthens the European Green Belt network.
- The project will strengthen the cooperation between Germany, Hungary, and Slovenia along the European Green Belt through the following activities:
- Youth camps during which young participants will explore nature and history, restore habitats, and meet local experts and contemporary witnesses
- Training for youth leaders
- Professional video clips that enhance environmental education and engage local stakeholders.
BESTbelt project poster
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Expected Results
Expected outcomes include the organization of two youth camps with 15-25 participants each, three digital youth leader training courses, one field training, 10 social media film clips, and three stakeholder events. This will strengthen local support and raise awareness across borders.
Borders separate – Nature unites: European Green Belt Youth Encounters
The transboundary project is implemented in Germany (Thuringia/Bavaria/Hesse) and in the trilateral national and nature park Raab (Austria)/ Őrség (Hungary)/ Goričko (Slovenia).
Project lead: BUND für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND), Thüringen e. V.
Trommsdorffstr. 5
99084 Erfurt
Grant: 59.997,27 €
Duration: 24 months
Contact person for the BESTbelt project: Karin Kowol k.kowol(at)
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