Involving local communities in nature conservation in Zapadna (Western) Stara Planina
The project is implemented by the BALKANI Wildlife Society in collaboration with Association of Parks in Bulgaria from October 2024 to September 2026.

The region's biodiversity is threatened by logging and gold mining. Existing protected areas are small and poorly managed, and there are no successful examples of how protected areas can provide sustainable income for local communities. Nature tourism is not well developed and there is a lack of visitor infrastructure, a network of trails and local services. In addition, the European Green Belt is not well known to local communities and the need to protect the habitats of endangered species in the area, particularly amphibians such as Triturus cristatus and moths such as Catopta trips, is not being met.
The project aims to:
- Improve the protected area system and management with the involvement of the local community.
- Build capacities of local communities and stakeholders, e.g. through trainings, education on solutions for environmental problems.
- Support the development of nature tourism and the international recognition of Zapadna Stara Planina.
- Raising awareness of the importance of the project area as a part of the European Green Belt.
- Involve local citizens in the co-creation of proposals for 5 new/expanded protected areas.
- Involve local municipalities in the development of a nature tourism concept.
- Involve local stakeholders in the management of protected areas, nature tourism, and the implementation of environmental legislation through capacity building.

Expected Results
Through its activities, the project aims to:
- Propose 5 new/expanded protected areas.
- Involve 40 local stakeholders in capacity building activities.
- Initiate procedures for the management plans for existing protected areas or Natura 2000 areas and any subsequent programmes or projects for nature tourism in the area.
- Attendance of at least 200 participants and outreach to at least 1000 people during two European Green Belt Days that will be organized as part of the project.
BESTbelt project poster
Download (6 MB)Involving local communities in nature conservation in Zapadna (Western) Stara Planina
The project is implemented in the Natura2000 site BG0001040 "Zapadna Stara Planina and Predbalkan" located in the west Bulgarian part of the Stara Planina mountain.
Nearest city: Belogradtschik
Project lead: BALKANI Wildlife Society
8 Dragan Tsankov Blvd.
Sofia 1164
Grant: 40.000 €
Duration: 24 months
Contact person for the BESTbelt project: Petko Tzvetkov petko.tzvetkov(at)
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