Nature Heritage Incubator: Cultivating Futures in the Albanian Green Belt

The project is implemented by the Albanian Center for Environmental Governance (ACEG) in collaboration with Korça Alpin from November 2024 to June 2026.

This photo captures the striking "Billy Goat Stone" a unique rock formation located within Bredhi i Drenoves National Park, near Korça City. © Iljon Thanas


The regions along the Albanian Green Belt face significant environmental and socio-economic pressures. High levels of youth emigration, driven by inadequate public services and economic opportunities, has led to the abandonment of this critical ecological area. In addition, unsustainable tourism and agricultural threaten protected areas, ecological corridors, and traditional land-use practices, undermining both conservation efforts and local livelihoods.



The project aims to balance the local economic development with nature conservation by promoting a symbiotic relationship between sustainable tourism and environmental protection. During the project, we expect to:

  • Engage 200 youth in awareness-raising activities across the Green Belt.
  • Provide 20 youth with practical skills in sustainable tourism, agriculture, and entrepreneurship.
  • Support 5 young people through internships in local businesses.
  • Increase the protection of ecological corridors and promote sustainable livelihoods in the region.



The project aims to achieve its objectives through the following activities:

  • Awareness: Organization of youth sessions/forums and promotion of collaboration with local governments to support the protection of the European Green Belt in Prespa-Devoll-Gramoz and Korça.
  • Capacity building: Equip youth in entrepreneurship, tourism, farming, and agrotourism through a training programme.
  • Knowledge transfer: Selected mentors will share traditional knowledge and business skills to youth.
  • Small scale projects: Implementation of 5 internships during which interns gaining hands-on experience in sustainable practices that benefit both the community and the environment.
  • Experience sharing: Sharing of best practices via a brochure and documentary.
A serene view of Prespa Lake from Gorice e Vogel, framed by green hills, scattered trees, and a traditional church tower. © Sualdo Dino

Expected Results

As a result, the project will have increased the awareness of young people about the natural and cultural heritage in the Albanian Green Belt areas Prespa, Devoll, and Korça (200 young people involved, 20 trained). Practical and professional opportunities for the youth of the region will be strengthened through knowledge gained during internships (5 internships). In addition, the local youth were supported to implement small-scale projects to promote local livelihoods and cultural heritage in the protected areas, and to share their knowledge through a documentary and a publication.

BESTbelt project poster


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Nature Heritage Incubator: Cultivating Futures in the Albanian Green Belt

The project is implemented in the Korca region in Albania.


Nearest city: XXX


Project lead: Albanian Center for Environmental Governance (ACEG)
Rr. Qemal Stafa, Nj.A. 3

Grant: 39.902,44 €

Duration: 20 months

Contact person for the BESTbelt project: Margarita Buxhaku mbuxhaku(at) 


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