Living Landscape - restoration of a landscape mosaic along the Hungarian Green Belt
The project is implemented by the Barn Owl Foundation in collaboration with the Őrség National Park Directorate from October 2024 to July 2026.

The heavily modified terrestrial surface in Hungary increased from 10% to 20% between 1990 and 2021, leading to a loss of 1 million hectares for biodiversity. The European Green Belt, an exceptional zone in western Hungary, is a vital area for conservation. However, intensive agriculture, greenfield investments, and infrastructure development threaten the integrity of this unique landscape.
The project's aims are:
- Restoring the landscape's ecological functions through small-scale interventions applied across large areas.
- Promoting modern, evidence-based grassland management practices to support biodiversity conservation.
- Transforming public attitudes to help halt further land use expansion.
The project will achieve its aims through:
- Habitat creation and connectivity initiatives – including veteran trees, hedgerows, and wetlands.
- Training for future conservationists and land managers.
- Raising awareness – surprising the public with little-known facts about land use and its impacts.

Expected Results
By the end of the project we expect to have:
- Established 10 veteran tree reserves, restored 2km of tree lines and hedgerows and improved 4km of water retention to enhance the landscape mosaic.
- Held 2 stakeholder workshops and a youth camp, created an outdoor educational trail.
- Produced a series of Living Landscape factsheets to promote new, sustainable approaches to farming.
- Published 2 short films, online educational materials and launched public campaigns to change public attitudes and stop further land conversion.
Overall, this project will create positive changes on landscape-scale and restore and enhance macro-ecological functions.
Living Landscape - restoration of a landscape mosaic along the Hungarian Green Belt
The project is implemented in the counties of Zala and Vas Counties in Western Hungary.
Nearest city: Szalafő
Project lead: Barn Owl Foundation
8744 Orosztony, Temesvári u. 8.
Grant: 39.861,78 €
Duration: 22 months
Contact person for the BESTbelt project: Ákos Klein barnowlfoundation(at)
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