Reduction of eutrophication in grey dune habitats

The project is being implemented by Latvian Green Movement in the period of October 2022 until September 2024.

Reduction of eutrophication in grey dune habitats. Species Pinus sylvestris. © Artūrs Caune


As visitor numbers surge along the beautiful coast of Latvia, our precious natural habitats bear the brunt of human impact. Moreover, extensive research reveals a concerning trend: the encroachment of trees and the decline of open grey dune areas. To safeguard our important coastal havens, we must act. Efforts are needed to maintain and restore these fragile habitats, effectively manage human activities, and educate the public, especially local communities.



Our project aims to breathe new life into the specially protected habitat of "grey dunes." In areas where these unique landscapes are in a state of neglect, overrun by weeds and encroaching bushes, we're determined to restore their environmental conditions, structure, and characteristic species composition. Through targeted efforts, we aim to reclaim 30 hectares of open-grey dune habitat, reviving their natural splendour for all to see.



The project area encompasses the nature parks of "Ragakāpa" and "Engures ezers" within the Natura2000 site network in Kurzeme, Latvia. We will focus on organising small pine cutting in the grey dunes, igniting public awareness about the urgent need for preservation of the grey dunes. State institutions, local municipalities, and schools will actively participate in this vital activity.

Reduction of eutrophication in grey dune habitats. Species Pinus sylvestris. © Artūrs Caune

Expected Results

Through dedicated maintenance works, we envision a remarkable transformation. The quality of the habitat spanning 30 hectares will significantly improve, accentuated by increased light, open dune areas and flourishing biological diversity. In this ambitious endeavour, we aim to engage up to 400 individuals, who will remove and burn the cut bushes, breathing new life into these majestic landscapes.

Reduction of eutrophication in grey dune habitats

The project is being implemented in the Riga Gulf in the Baltic Sea.

Nearest cities: Talsi and Riga


Project lead: Latvian Green Movement
Kr. Valdemāra iela 17a, LV-3201
Talsi, Latvia

Grant: 39.590,00 €

Duration: 24 months

Contact person for the BESTbelt project: Ilmārs Bodnieks ilmars.bodnieks(at)


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