Bees & greens

The project is implemented by the Organisation for Respect and Care of Animals - ORCA in the period of October 2022 until September 2024.

Landscape of the Pešter Plateau. © Dr Milan Plećaš


The current policy framework in Serbia lacks regulations for nature-based solutions and pollination ecosystem services. Intervention is crucial to improve the policy framework for the protection of pollinators and their habitats, particularly within protected areas (PAs).



Our project aims to conserve the diversity of pollinators and their natural habitats within the Green Belt in Serbia area by providing policy recommendations on how we to protect them.



To enhance the policy framework, we will engage experts, conduct desk and field research, analyze the results, and prepare a comprehensive report with actionable recommendations for pollinator conservation in PAs. Additionally, we will launch a public campaign to promote these recommendations. This includes creating user-friendly designs, organizing advocacy meetings with decision-makers and stakeholders, and running a social media campaign.

Researchers conducting work at the protected area of Deliblato Sands (Special Nature Reserve). © Dr Nevena Kuzmanović

Expected Results

At the end of our project, we will have: 

  • Conducted desk and field research on pollinator diversity in selected Serbian protected areas.
  • Identified primary threats and challenges to the conservation of pollination services.
  • Prepared evidence-based recommendations for pollinator and habitat conservation.
  • Presented recommendations to relevant local and national decision-makers and stakeholders.
  • Conducted a public campaign on the conservation of pollination services.

Bees & greens

The project is implemented in the wider area of Special Nature Reserve Gornje Podunavlje, Subotička Peščara and Nature Park Stara Planina.

Nearest cities: Osijek, Subotica, Pirot


Project lead: Organisation for Respect and Care of Animals - ORCA
Vojislava Ilića 94/22,
Belgrade, Serbia

Grant: 39.999,30 €

Duration: 24 months

Contact person for the BESTbelt project: Jelena Burazerović jelena.burazerovic(at)


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