Micro wetlands: fountains of life

The project was implemented by the Municipality of Topolovgrad in partnership with the Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation in the period of January 2023 until June 2024.

Trite dravcheta micro-reservoir (with water). © Rossen Vassilev
Volunteers from the training camp in front of a restored cheshma. © Iva Georgieva


Cheshma (water fountains) are an ancient tradition in the Balkan countries. They provide a vital source of water for people, livestock and local biodiversity. However, socio-economic progress has led to an increasing abandonment and deterioration of many of these wells. In the face of climate change, the restoration and preservation of cheshma is critical for biodiversity, livestock and tourism in the region, particularly in Bulgaria.



Our goal was to preserve and enhance the invaluable ecosystem services provided by micro-wetlands, benefiting both biodiversity and the well-being of communities along the Balkan Green Belt, with a focus on Bulgaria in the municipality of Topolovgrad. This goal encompassed several outcomes, including improving habitat quality, strengthening local capacity, and raising awareness among local communities and young individuals.



The project implemented the following actions: 

  • Expert assessment of water fountains and temporary ponds.
  • Sharing of local knowledge on cheshma construction and maintenance.
  • Rehabilitation of fountains and micro-wetlands.
  • Biodiversity monitoring by experts who assessed the effectiveness of rehabilitation efforts.
  • Training on cheshma and micro-wetland maintenance for local community and wider audience.
A newt in the micro-wetland, its natural habitat, after scientific recording. © Emilia Vacheva

Achieved Results

The following results were achieved during the duration of the project:

  • Three public fountains with running water (cheshma) and a micro-wetland were restored and provided with improved habitats for biodiversity.
  • Pressure on wetland habitats by cattle in the project area was reduced by 30%.
  • New public facilities– wooden shelter and benches were installed, which are now attracting more visitors to the area.
  • More than 30 young volunteers were trained by experts in different biodiversity and ecotourism.
  • The guidebook “Cheshma building and maintenance – for people and biodiversity” was produced and published online.
  • Local stakeholders, including the municipality administration, farmers and tourism stakeholders, have agreed to further maintain and improve the water infrastructure.
  • The local community has a better understanding of the importance of cheshma and micro-wetlands for biodiversity and community well-being.

BESTbelt project poster


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Micro wetlands: fountains of life

The project was implemented close to Oreshnik village in the Sakar Mountains, close to the border to Türkiye.

Nearest cities: Stara Zagora and Haskovo


Project lead: Municipality of Topolovgrad
1 Osvobojdenie square,
Topolovgrad, Bulgaria.

Grant: 35.700,00 €

Duration: 18 months

Contact person for the BESTbelt project: Krasimira Atanasova otdel.pput_oba(at)abv.bg, Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation bbf(at)biodiversity.bg 

Website: topolovgrad.bg

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