General Assembly of the European Green Belt Association met in Latvia and elected new Board!

The General Assembly of the European Green Belt Association met during the BESTbelt Pan-European Conference 2024 in Latvia, which provided a good backdrop for the exchange of key issues around the European Green Belt. A new Board was also elected.

Board of the European Green Belt Association in December 2024 (From left to right: Jörg Schmiedel (BUND Mecklenburg-Vorpommern), Klara Brandl (Environment Agency Austria), Francesca Visintin (Rete Italiana EGB), Petko Tzvetkov (Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundatin), Liana Geidezis (BUND, Friends of the Earth (FoE) Germany), Gabriel Schwaderer (EuroNatur), Jānis Matulis (Latvian Green Movement) © Melanie Kreutz (BUND Department Green Belt)

The bi-annual General Assembly is an important moment for the members of the European Green Belt Association to meet and interact in person. Board members report on important activities at the pan-European level that have taken place in the past two years.

In addition to the formal aspects of the meeting (adoption of the annual results, approval of the actions of the Board, etc.), a new Board was elected. With Latvian Green Movement and the Einvironment Agency Austria two new members joined. (Please click here to find out more about the current composition of the Board.) Importantly, the new Programme of Work for the period 2025 - 2026 was finalized and approved, setting out the priorities of the European Green Belt Association for the next two years. 

At the first meeting of the new Board that followed, EuroNatur and Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation were confirmed as Chair and Deputy Chair. 


This year's General Assembly was also an opportunity to look back together on 10 years of the European Green Belt Association, founded in 2014. Successes were celebrated, challenges critically examined and important steps for the future envisioned. If you are thinking about joining the European Green Belt Association, please have a look here


If you have questions, please contact us: association(at)