Resilient Borders: Call for Proposals on cross-border crisis management and spatial planning is open!
The Commission's Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) funds 20 pilot actions for the creation of joint cross-border plans for crisis management and spatial planning. Public entities and cross-border structures can apply until 30 November 2024 to receive funds to make their territories more resilient.

‘Resilient Borders - Cross-Border Spatial Planning and Crisis Management Pilot Actions’ is a newly launched initiative of the European Commission for border regions.
With financial resources put at disposal and dedicated support, actors in border regions can receive aid to set up joint plans in two key fields: Cross-border Crisis Management and Cross-Border Spatial Planning.
Through joint plans that span across national borders, border regions can increase their preparedness to face potential crises (including floods, droughts, pandemics, infrastructure disruption or societal crisis), and develop more efficient infrastructures and services on their territories.
To help border regions be more resilient in the future, the European Commission has envisioned two main goals:
- develop crisis management plans that go beyond national borders in EU cross-border regions;
boost the potential of border regions through joint spatial planning and multi-governance.
Key Dates and Documents of the Call for Proposals:
Sub-grants up to 40,000 € are made available
Call opening: 4 October 2024
Call closing: 30 November 2024
Selection of successful proposals: December 2024
Implementation period: February to September 2025
Access the Call for Proposals document here.
Download templates to apply here.
Who is eligible to apply?
- Public bodies (national, regional, local) from border regions of the 27 EU countries and EFTA countries
- Cross-border structures with legal personality (EGTCs, Euroregions, etc)
There must be a minimum of two applicants for every pilot action proposed by public bodies, one for each side of the border. For cross-border entities, one applicant is sufficient.
For more information, please visit: