We are part of the ecosystem of the European Green Belt!
We are part of the ecosystem of the European Green Belt!
Background & Location
The European Green Belt Days celebration in Romania took place in several areas. At the Education Center of our organization located in Cărbunari, Caraș-Severin County, we organized the European Green Belt Conference. In the Cheile Nerai Beușnița National Park, we organized guided tours. At the Clisura Dunării Technological High School, we organized a photo exhibition and a presentation about the European Green Belt. In the Porțile de Fier Natural Park, in the counties of Caraș-Severin and Mehedinți, we organised guided tours on trails and in caves of natural and historical importance. The existence of the karst, with exceptional landscapes for tourism and underground water reserves for communities, is special.
The aim of our celebration was to involve as many people as possible from different backgrounds in the responsible management of karst ecosystems. We want to increase the involvement of local communities in the Nature and National Park in order to effectively preserve the cultural and natural heritage of the area.
Approach & Results
The involvement and interest in the European Green Belt Days exceeded our expectations! The Conference on the theme "Vulnerable terrestrial, underground and aquatic ecosystems" that we organized was attended by 6 NGOs, 20 people from NGOs and various social media. We organized a photographic exhibition that was watched by over 500 students and teachers. We organized a presentation to celebrate the European Green Belt that was attended by 80 students and widely distributed information leaflets to inform about the European Green Belt. We sent information messages to 40 local communities and ran a very intense social media campaign for 2 weeks. We organized 3 guided tours in karst areas and 2 guided tours in caves where 25 tourists also participated. There was a lot of positive energy, determination and involvement which gives us the strength to continue in the future!